

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

This has been your Re:Minder that Kingdom Hearts was Always (Good) Bad

"Kingdom Hearts 3's plot has some poor pacing"
 "Kingdom Hearts has always had that"

"Kingdom Hearts 3 has some really bad filler"
 "Kingdom Hearts has always had that"

"Kingdom Hearts 3 has some wonky voice acting"
"Kingdom Hearts has always had that" 

 Kingdom Hearts has always been bad. Or has it? Could it be that Kingdom Hearts was actually good all along, and that the fanbase has inadvertently created the narrative that every game in the series was of the same level as KH3 in order to pooh-pooh (Oh, Pooh...) criticisms of the latest, much-anticipated entry?

Monday, 11 May 2020

Thunder, Rain and Lightning - A Perfect Storm (Raichu + Azumarill core analysis)

Previously, I focused on the heavy half of this adorable duo, but now, I'm gonna dive deep into why Raichu is Totally Viable and a perfect partner for Pikablu. Let's get one thing straight off the bat though: I don't expect anything I say here to be the optimal moveset or strategy, not at all. I'd rather put my thoughts on why my version works out, so hopefully others can take inspiration from it and come up with new sets.

In my opinion, there are so many different builds for Raichu, and I've experimented with quite a few of them, but the one I've had most success with (even if it can be a bit boring for me) is this:

Saturday, 9 May 2020

Thunder, Rain and Lightning (But only Rain for this post)

Now normally, when people write team reports, it's because they've placed at a respectable level at a tournament, or they're just vets with a good rep.

I'm neither.

From 2012 til now, I've been in a serious on-and-off relationship with Pokemon VGC, and as such, I'm a proprietor of only the most entertaining skrub tactics. And so, I thought it might be neat if I imparted my crazy ideas built up over almost a decades worth of experience, A sort of "Beginner's Guide to Pokemon, by a Perennial Beginner"

See, when you play VGC, you go in with the mentality that you can win it all, you have to. I realised quite early on that I probably wouldn't ever be in that position, I'm decidedly a Bad Player. However, I can still play pretty decently, and I think if I practiced my battling I'd be in with a shot, because I'm not certain my teambuilding sense will get any better.

However I have a problem. A positively electrifying one. And it's these two cute critters.

A total Skrub's guide to Pokemon - Descriptions

This was originally part of a much longer post, but it was getting wayyy too long and I think it deserves it's own. You might have seen those descriptions of pokemon teams lying around the internet and wondered what it all meant, well hopefully, I'm here to let it all make sense to you.

Let's start with my favourite:

Neeli (Azumarill) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 244 HP / 252 Atk / 12 Spe
Naughty Nature
- Belly Drum
- Protect
- Aqua Jet
- Play Rough

This is the latest build of Azumarill I've used, although certainly not the best nor most viable, It's just newer.

I almost always give my Pokemon nicknames, It's not a necessity but I like to be special. When you give a Pokemon a nickname it gets written down first, with the species in brackets, otherwise, it'd just look like this:

Well that's just not *chirps* Cricket!

It's been a while since my last post, but I've never forgotten about this blog, I just was never quite sure what and when to write. So what better way to make a comeback than on quarantine and procrastinating from uni assignments!

This year is the year of the 2020 ICC World twenty20 World Cup. Except it might be taking place in 2021, now that's a marketer's nightmare right there, if it wasn't already bad enough that they had to deal with a title worse than Kingdom Hearts' most egregious entry.

Now just from reading 2020 ICC World twenty20 World Cup, you could surmise it's a sports tournament of sorts, possibly taking place in the year 2020, and presumably of an international variety considering the "World Cup" in the moniker. However, what that long and unwieldy name doesn't tell you, is what sport it could possibly be. Surely there isn't a world cup sponsored by the International Criminal Court is there? Although to be fair, that's not entirely far off of what the ICC is.

The International Cricket Council suffers a terminal problem: How Do We Promote *chirps* Cricket?